TIANSeq Fast DNA Library Kit (illumina)

TIANSeq Fast DNA Library Kit (illumina) is a DNA library construction kit designed specifically for illumina sequencing platform. The kit is suitable for the small fragment DNA library construction which can complete the end repair and the 3’ end dA-tailing in one tube enzymatic reaction. The PCR amplification reagent provided by the kit is also specially optimized to ensure that the DNA sequence obtained by amplification has high yield, good fidelity and no base bias.
Cat. no No. of preps
4992261 24 rxn
4992262 96 rxn

Products Details


  1. Good sequencing uniformity: No base bias of the DNA fragmentation process and PCR amplification process.
  2. High library conversion efficiency: The high-efficiency library construction can be ensured for as low as 0.25 ng DNA samples.
  3. Fast operation:  The whole library preparation process only needs 2 hours.


Type: DNA library preparation for illumina high-throughput sequencing platform. Sample: cfDNA or small DNA fragments after shearing through ultrasonic or enzymatic treatment. Target: Double-stranded DNA. Starting sample input: 0.25 ng- 1 μg. Operation time: 2-2.5 hour. Downstream applications: Sequencing on illumina platform.

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